Latest Updates - Page 1
Over 1,000 Seiko ChronographsPosted Oct 30, 2016
410 watches were added to the chronograph finder in October bringing the total model count to 1,070! Most of the additions are SND models powered by the 7T92 movement.
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Some of the New Models
47 Chronographs with Automatic MovementsPosted Apr 22, 2016
We finally started adding chronographs with automatic movements to our catalog. This first batch includes 47 models, many of which are available for purchase. Vintage models will be added over the coming months and years.
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Some of the New Models
Four Hundred ChronographsPosted Feb 14, 2016
We reached another milestone today by adding our 400th chronograph to the catalog. There are still thousands more to add. Now that we have made some significant progress on the easily obtainable quartz models we will start to research the automatic models.
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Some of the New Models
Three Hundred ChronographsPosted Jan 10, 2016
Since we launched the Seiko Chronograph Finder two months ago have been silently adding more models. Today our total reached 300 so we thought we'd make this post to celebrate.
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Some of the New Models
Welcome to the SEIKO Chrono FinderPosted Nov 11, 2015
We are pleased to announce the launching of our fifth catalog, the SEIKO Chrono Finder! Our Seiko catalogs have become quite popular and we have received several requests to expand out selection to include Seiko's chronographs so now we've done just that.
Initially there are just a few more than 100 models in the catalog but we already have a list of more than 700 to add and that's just the most popular models. Keep coming back to visit as we add new models in the future.
You can follow us on Facebook, Google+ and/or Twitter to be notified any time we post a new update.
A Few of the New Models
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